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Ubi Caritas | 41-96660

Ubi Caritas

Part Number





SATB Divisi

Lyrics By

Latin Liturgical Text

Music By

Ivo Antognini

Edited By

Gary R. Schwartzhoff

a cappella 

Antognini’s Ubi Caritas is a choral composition for mixed choir in rondo form, ABACAD. Each time that the A theme occurs, it is subject to small melodic and harmonic changes. On two occasions, we also find the famous plainchant melody (bars 25-26 and 36-41) in the soprano voice. In bar 55, the second part of the main theme starts a fourth higher than before, creating a sense of surprise. Beginning from here, the excitement rises and leads to the climax at bar 68 (glorianter vultum tuum: Thy face in glory). Just after this, there is a joyful and rhythmic coda that begins on the text “Gaudium quod est immensum” (The joy that is immense), followed by three Amens that take us back to the initial key (F), but in major mode.

Featured at:


2015 National ACDA Convention

SUMMER SALE PRICE (Aug. 1-Sept. 30, 2020) $0.25/copy


Audio Sample

Colla Voce Music LLC • PO Box 20484, Indianapolis, IN .46220 • 317.466.0624